=============== Getting Started =============== This section provides an introduction on how to get started with using the SymbiFlow toolchain. In order to generate a bitstream (or any intermediate file format), you can use one of the toolchain tests. Following steps describe the whole process: Clone repository ---------------- .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs.git Prepare environment ------------------- Download all needed packages and databases content into the separated environment .. code-block:: bash cd symbiflow-arch-defs make env Build example ------------- Enter the appropriate test build directory, depending on your target architecture and invoke the appropriate make target. Build directories depend on the architecture. Because of that, depending on the chosen target, a different toolchain backend will be used. (See `Project X-Ray `_ and `Project Trellis `_ for more information) Moreover, it is worth to note that target names have the form <*testname_platform_outputformat*>. Assuming that you would like to generate bitstream ``.bit`` file with the counter example for the arty board, which uses Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA, you will type: .. code-block:: bash cd build/xc7/tests/counter make counter_arty_bin Load bitstream -------------- The last step is to load the bitstream to your platform. The final output file can be found in the appropriate test directory, i.e: ``/build/xc7/tests/counter/counter_arty/artix7-xc7a50t-arty-roi-virt-xc7a50t-arty-test/top.bit`` The loading proces may be different for every vendor. For convenience a target is provided for this purpose, e.g.: .. code-block:: bash make counter_arty_prog However, this can be done with any tool of your choice, such as `Vivado` or `xc3sprog`. Vivado ++++++ For programming the Arty Board with ``Vivado``, open the program in GUI mode and choose the ``Open Target`` option from ``Flow Navigator \ Program and Debug \ Open Hardware Manager``. After right-clicking on the chip icon in the newly-opened ``Hardware`` window, you will see the ``Program Device`` option in the context menu. The option will open an appropriate Manager for programming the chip. Select the location of the bitstream file and click ``Program``. xc3sprog ++++++++ Alternatively, you can use other tools like `xc3sprog `_ which allow programming the chip directly from a console. For Arty Board you can do it with the following command: .. code-block:: bash xc3sprog -c nexys4 bitstream.bit