


  • XXX/device/ - Full architecture definitions of a given device for [Verilog To Routing](

    • XXX/device/YYYY-virt - Verilog to Routing architecture definitions generally are not able to able to generate the exact model of many FPGA routing interconnects, but this is a pretty close.

  • XXX/primitives/ - The primitives that make up the architecture. These are generally used inside the tiles.

  • XXX/tiles/ - The tiles found in the architecture.

  • XXX/tests/ - Tests for making sure the architecture specific features works with VPR.

  • [vpr](vpr) - Common defines used by multiple architectures.



  • BLK_MB-block_1_name-block_2_name - BLOCK which is a “mega block”. A “mega block” is a top level block which is made up of other blocks.

  • BLK_XX-name - BLOCK which is the hierarchy. Maps to BLK_SI -> SITE and BLK_TI -> TILE in Xilinx terminology.

  • BLK_IG-name - BLOCK which is ignored. They don’t appear in the output hierarchy and are normally used when something is needed in the description which doesn’t match actual architecture.

  • BEL_RX-mux_name - BEL which is a routing mux. Routing muxes are statically configured at PnR time.

  • BEL_MX-mux_name - BEL which is a mux .

  • BEL_LT-lut_name - BEL which is a look up table.

  • BEL_MM-mem_name - BEL which is a me**m**ory.

  • BEL_FF-ff_name - BEL which is a flip flop (FF).

  • BEL_LL-latch_name - BEL which is a latch (LL).

  • BEL_BB-name - BEL which is a black box (BB).

  • PAD_IN-name - A signal input location.

  • PAD_OT-name - A signal output location.


  • Unless there is a good reason otherwise, all muxes should be generated via [](utils/

  • DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) - Uses [XML XIncludes]( to reuse stuff!

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